Since the mid-twentieth century Ugaritic studies has witnessed an enormous increase of edited texts. Naturally, but scattered in numerous publications, at the same time huge advances have been made in epigraphy, grammatical analysis and lexicography.
The current dictionary is an updated and considerably augmented English edition prepared by W.G.E. Watson of G. Del Olmo Lete and J. Sanmartmn, "Diccionario de la lengua ugaritica. It systematically brings together all insights gained so far, and provides answers to numerous existing lexical problems by applying new techniques of lexicographical analysis, and at the same time drawing from conclusions reached in other branches of Semitic philology.
The work is a complete inventory of words (morphemes) and meanings, affixes and proper names of Ugarit as studied so far. With isolexemes, full bibliographical references and translations in context.
A true, modern and indispensable key to understanding Ugarit.