Corporate trainers are tasked with an awesome responsibility--helping individuals develop the skills they need to advance their careers and boost their organizations' bottom lines. It's a challenging job, but What Great Trainers Do is here to help--providing a proven structure for dynamic workshops along with surefire strategies for blending course content with fluid interaction. Readers will learn how to:
Organize presentations for maximum impact
- Use activities to connect participants to the content and each other
- Create visual aids that reinforce key points
- Fine-tune their delivery
- Listen actively and read the group
- Address questions and concerns
- Make presentations interactive--involving learners early and often
- Manage the tough moments
- Handle resistance
- Use debriefs, demonstrations, and deliberate practice to solidify performance, improve applicability, and make training stick
- Adapt the course to fit the participants
- Promote positive group process
- And much more
Great training doesn't happen by accident. Accessible and practical, What Great Trainers Do is a one-stop resource for reliable, repeatable learning results.