Developing Metrics for Equity, Diversity and Competition is a groundbreaking book in the field of educational research. Equity, diversity and competition are critical to our understanding of social justice and the provision of effective education for everyone, and this book develops a new coherent scientific approach to measuring them. New theory and methodologies based on previous research by the author are introduced in school and university settings. They are mathematical in nature, but have a wide range of applications within mixed-methods approaches and include:
- warranted weighting systems for constructing league tables
- game theoretic approaches to analysing power and influence
- indices for measuring equity in student attainment
- indices for measuring competition
- modelling the educational awards market
- calculating the optimal size of research groups
- measuring diversity.
The book is an ideal resource for educational researchers, policy-makers and high-level practitioners, and those who want to explore the possibilities of using novel approaches to address the problems faced by schools, colleges and universities in the new education landscape.
This is a ground-breaking book in the field of educational research. It presents a new coherent scientific approach to measuring equity, diversity and competition in education. New theory and methodologies with a wide range of applications are introduced. The book is an ideal resource for researchers, policy-makers and high-level practitioners who want to explore novel approaches to the problems faced by schools, colleges and universities in the new education landscape.