Rob Williams is the writer of Suicide Squad and Martian Manhunter for DC Comics, Unfollow for Vertigo and Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor for Titan Comics. His previous work for 2000 AD includes Judge Dredd: Titan, The Grievous Journey Of Ichabod Azrael (And The Dead Left In His Wake) and The Ten-Seconders, and he is currently writing Roy of the Rovers for Rebellion.
David Sque studied at Bournemouth Art College and got his National Diploma in Art and Design. He started working for IPC in the 60s - one of his earliest strips being The Skids Kids - a sports strip in the kids' humour title, Buster. He defined the 'modern day' look of Roy Race in the Roy of the Rovers comic during the 70s, and continued to draw it until August 1986. While concentrating on his fine art, David still kept a hand in football comic art, illustrating some Scorer strips in the Daily Mirror newspaper. In 2020 he returned to familiar territory, becoming the new artist on the rebooted Roy of the Rovers. |