In the twilight of history, a monumental event known as the Forbidden War casts a long shadow across the world. It is the year 2155 BCD, and the remnants of a nearly obliterated world bear witness to a silent power struggle between the Demon Lords of the Akuma and the mighty Primordials. Amidst the aftermath, the elves, ethereal beings deeply connected with nature, embark on a nomadic quest across the continents. By 2071 AD, their journey culminates in the founding of Imperium within the serene bounds of Elvenwood. This city, a blend of ancient Elven traditions and the rich tapestry of diverse knowledge, emerges as a sanctuary of enlightenment, drawing scholars and adventurers alike. Imperium, a testament to resilience and innovation, becomes a vibrant hub of knowledge and cultural exchange, immortalizing the legacy of the elves and their enduring quest for a homeland.