Against the backdrop of a rapidly changing world, formal schooling is frequently following rather than leading. The impression is given by central government that the education system serves as a 'thermostat' restoring society's settings in areas such as productivity, citizenship, health, sexual mores and behaviour. Educational reform over the last twenty years has clarified an existing educational process, reformatted the financial management of schools and resuscitated the inspection system. It has not, however, laid the foundations of a world-class future responsive educational system.
Shaping a New Educational Landscape brings together writers considering a wide range of possibilities for future development in education and society from different perspectives. Exploring alternative scenarios and strategies, they are not engaged in making accurate predictions but in unsettling present thinking and stimulating discussion. Together they form a fascinating contribution to the growing debate about how we might generate an educational process that will sponsor new economic paradigms and create a bold participative society on the new global stage.
'If we feel certain that schooling as we know it today will prepare young people for living in a future world that we cannot even begin to imagine, perhaps we ought to read this book. It asks very important questions that we cannot afford to ignore.' 'We really do not know what the future holds but we better start thinking about it in a very serious way as educators. This book is a great place to start.' 'This book certainly made me think about the future of schools.' Kevin Hennigan, Assistant National Co-ordinator for the Leadership Development for Schools (LDS) programme, Ireland